Bilingual Double Master’s degree in Civil Engineering and Economics

Bilingual Double Master’s degree in Civil Engineering and Economics

The Double Master's Degree in Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos - Máster Universitario en Economía/Economics (Doble Master ICCP-Economics), ), not only qualifies to exercise the profession of Roads, Channels and Ports Engineer, but also offers an important training in matters related to business management, one of the Achilles heels of the engineer's training today.

The offer of this double degree means a saving of credits for the student, in addition to making available to graduates a new training offer that facilitates specialization.

Compatible with the Double Master’s degrees with SRH Berlin (Germany) and INSEEC (France) in 3 years.

More information

- Specific information on the Master en Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos is available here

- In July 2017, a modification of the study compatibility agreement was approved, allowing ICCP students to choose between a wider range of subjects in the master's degree in economics while the internship credits are reduced to 8 ECTS. Students who registered for the first time before 2017 must enroll according to the old agreement that is with external internship of 12 ECTS.

- General inquiries and related to ICCP subjects: Emilio Molero. E-mail:

- More information here