- November 19th, 10:30 am: Elena Iñarra (Univ. del País Vasco), “Bankrupcy problems: A cooperative game approach”
- November 27th: María Gómez Rua (Univ. de Vigo), “An approach to minimum cost spanning tree problems and extensions”
- December 1st: Bert Eichhorn (SRH Berlin), “Risks & Contracts: Design of an innovative management tool in business”
- January 15th: Daniel Arias Aranda (UGR), “Gamification project”
- January 29th: Andrej Piovarci (School of Management in Trencin, Slovakia - City University of Seattle), “Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Transition Economies - case of Ukraine”.
- February 12th: Juan Antonio Rubio (UGR), “Cómo crear un equipo de investigación en el Caribe y no morir en el intento” (In spanish)
- February 19th: Manuel Prados Medina, “Gestión de equipos de trabajo e inteligencia emocional”.
- February 26th: Laura Smith (SRH, Berlin), “Corporate Social Responsibility and Risk Management”.
- March 18th, Miguel Tallón (Braintec Group), “Introduction to the operations management module of ERP Odoo 9.0”. Room D05, 11:30- 13:30 hs.
- March 29th and 30th: Bert Eichhorn (SRH, Berlin), “EU as model for regional organizations”. 10-14 hs.
- March 31th and April 1st: Victoria Büsch (SRH, Berlin), “Demographics and welfare regimes”. 9:30-13:30 hs
- April 4th, Gustavo Bautista (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) “Innovacion en servicios culturales y artísticos”. 10:30 hs.
- April 4th: Dieter Kronzucker (SRH, Berlin), ” Communication skills (first part)”. 12:30 hs
- April 6th: Dieter Kronzucker (SRH, Berlin), “Communication skills (second part)”. 12:30 hs
- April 11st: Marta Aroza Master's alumni “My experience at SRH and how I find a job in Germany” 12:30 hs
- April 15th: Hana Skalka (University of Hradec Kralove) “Business Research Methods ”. 12:30 hs
- May 6th: Carlos Galera Zarco “IoT and Data Analytics as enablers in servitization strategies”. 11 hs.
- May 6th: José Javier Domínguez Ramírez (UGR), “Cooperation, altruism and economic and gender prejudices” 12:30 hs.
- May 12th: Snježana Pivac (University of Split, Croatia), “Parametric and non parametric tests for research in management and economics”. 10:30-14:30 hs.
- May 17th, Aranzazu Crespo (Middlesex University, UK), “The Role of Global Value Chains during the Crisis: Evidence from Spanish and European Firms”, joint with Marcel Jansen. 11 hs.
- May 20th, Vladimir Stantchev (SRH, Berlin), “IT Governance & IT security. Implementation Roadmap for healthcare sector”.
- May 31th, 13 hs, Radosław Krasowski, (Geoban SA, part of Banco Santander, Poland), “Work in Business Process Outsourcing as international career opportunity for graduates based on example of Geoban SA (Santander Group)”.
- June 1st, 10:30 hs, Javier Valverde, (Gerente CIDAF Fundación Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo del Alimento Funcional), “Acerca de la gestión en empresas del sector biotecnológico”.
- June 8th, 12:30 hs, Johannes Schubert (University of Munich), “Corporate Social Responsibility - funding of corporate strategy”.
- June 8th, 13:30 hs, Álvaro Llorens Estévez (OVB, consultoría financiera), “Trayectoria y experiencia personal y profesional”.
- June 9th 12.30 hs, Francisco Sánchez Montesinos (Consejero Independiente de distintas Compañías y Profesor de Dirección Estratégica UCM y ESIC.), “Acerca de la dirección en empresas del sector de medios de comunicación: capacidad de absorción, CRM y servitización ” (en español).