Double Master ICCP-Economics

The duration of the Double Master ICCP-Economics is two academic years (136 ECTS). Subjects from the Master ICCP “Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos” (84 ECTS) are taught in Spanish while students course 52 ECTS from MEIM in English.

This Double Master ICCP Economics is fully compatible with the Double Master’s degrees with SRH Berlin (Germany) and INSEEC (France) in 3 years, and also compatible with Erasmus mobility.

El Master's in Economics is taught in the morning between 8:30am and 2:30pm.

Study plan for students who register for the first time in 2017 onwards

In July 2017, a modification of the study compatibility agreement was approved, allowing ICCP students to choose between a wider range of subjects in the master's degree in economics while the internship credits are reduced to 8 ECTS.

ICCP students must register 52 ECTS of the master in Economics:

- Compulsory subjects: Research Methodology (4 ECTS), Internships (8 ECTS), and Master Thesis (8 ECTS)

- Optional subjects: 32 ECTS to be chosen among 56 ECTS (that is 8 subjects among 14 possible subjects)


- List of possible courses from the Master's in Economics for ICCP-ME students here .

Study plan for students who register for the first time before 2017

Students who registered for the first time before 2017 must enroll according to the old agreement that is with external internship of 12 ECTS.

List of compulsory courses here


- General enquiries and enquiries concerning the ICCP subjects: Emilio Molero. E-mail:

- Enquiries concerning the Economics subjects: Henry Aray. E--mail: