Past Master Thesis topics
CIMET intake 2008-2010
Fall detection using multiple camera tracking, Victoria RUDAKOVA
Video enrichment and objects tracking, Priyanto HIDAYATULLAH
Logvinenko’s object color space theory in practice, Christoph GODAU
Detection of defects in grape tomatoes with novel technologies, Yu HU
Spectral imaging in medical applications, Kusse Sukuta BERSHA
Development and Optimization of demosaicing algorithm to interpolate color values obtained from a CMOS camera in a RoboCup scenario, Mohzdeh SEIFI
Characterization and calibration of a LCD display based on a limited set of color samples, Sweet KHISA
Assessing the contribution of blur in visual attention & Extraction of salient region for stimuli containing blur and sharp region, Rizwan KHAN
Biomarker detection by hyperspectral imaging, Shuyang LIU
CIMET intake 2009-2011
Segmentation of neurosurgery image: Jussi Parkkinen and Markku Hauta Kasari/Arash MIRASHEMI
Reconstruction of spectral images in neurosurgery settings: Jussi Parkkinen and Markku Hauta Kasari/ Md Abul HASNAT
Retinal spectral image analysis methods: Jussi Parkkinen and Markku Hauta Kasari / GM Atiqur Rahaman
Microscopic image analysis for wood fiber classification based on fluorescence: Jussi Parkkinen and Markku Hauta Kasari/ Zhengzhe WU
Object class recognition: Elisa Fromont, Damien Muselet and Marc Sebban/ Basura FERNANDO
Dense stereo reconstruction using time-of-flight and color cameras: Radu Horaud (INRIA) and Corinne Fournier / Vineet GANDHI
Pipe detection and tracking in aerial refuelling: Juan Torres Arjona (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid) and Hubert Konik (UJM)/ Marcos QUINTANA
Forward and backward modelling for the processing of coloured materials: Nathalie Destouche, Philippe Colantoni and Alain Trémeau/Tushar CHAUHAN
Influence on human perception of crosstalk in 3D stereoscopic displays: Laurent Blondé (Technicolor) and Alain Tremeau/ Darya KHAUSTOVA
Algorithm improvement for object recognition: Damien Muselet and Vincent Demoulin (Technicolor)/ Sajib SAHA
Gesture recognition system development: Alleaume Vincent (Technicolor) and Alain Trémeau / Ateendra Kumar SINGH
On-the-fly personalized tagging of video contents: Lionel Oisel (Technicolor) and Alain Tremeau / Peng WANG
Dynamic color conversion for movies, Patrick Morvan (Technicolor) and Alain Trémeau/ Xingbo WANG
3D motion analysis of microscopic object in collaboration with ETH Zurich, Alain Trémeau and Wolf-Dietrich HARDT (ETHZ)/ Syed Qasim BUKHARI
Live Color Calibration of a Video Camera Array in collaboration with Simula: Jon Yngve Hardeberg and Eichhorn (Simula) /Viktor SLAVKOVIKJ
Augmented reality object placement and lighting: Simon McCallum and Jon Yngve Hardeberg/ Ibrahim ARIEF
Classification of teachers’ actions in lecture videos: Faouzi Alaya Cheikh/ Alejandro MORENO
Image processing techniques applied to the generation of an automatic streamline for healthy gingivae evaluation: Eva Valero / Timo Eckhard
Wire detection on infrared images at INDRA Company: Juan Luis Nieves and Faouzi (GUC), /Samra Tanovic
Colour differences under different luminance levels through LCD displays: Manuel Melgosa UGR and Ronnier Luo (University of Leeds UK)/Wei-Ting HUANG
Optical-quality evaluation of flat panel displays: Manuel Rubiño and Antonio Pozo/ Pradeep KETHIDI
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