• Ph.D in Economics and Business Management. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Department of Business Management (Organización de Empresas). 2000. Sobresaliente cum laude por unanimidad [Highest grade]
• Licenciado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas [Bachelor degree in Business Management]. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas. 1994
• Licenciado en Economía [Bachelor degree in Economics]. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas. 1995
• Professor of Management (2011- present day) - Universidad de Granada (Spain)
• Associate Professor of Management (2003- 2011) - Universidad de Granada (Spain)
• Visiting Professor of Management (2003- present day) – University of Economics at Bratislava (Slovak Republic)
• Assistant Professor of Management (1999-2003) – University of Granada (Spain)
• Assistant Professor of Management (1997-1999) – Complutense University of Madrid (Spain)
• Recognitions of the Spanish Ministry of Education for Research and Teaching (1 and 2 respectively)
• Mihi, A.; Arias-Aranda, D.; García-Morales V.J. (2012): “Knowledge creation and flexibility of distribution of information”, Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol. 112, Iss. 2, Forthcoming
• Mihi, A.; Arias-Aranda, D.; García-Morales V.J. (2012): “La gestión de la logística inversa en las empresas españolas: Hacia las prácticas de excelencia”, Universia Business Review, Forthcoming
• Ghobalkhloo, M.; Arias-Aranda, D.; Benitez-Amado, J. (2011): “Adoption of E-Commerce Applications in SMEs”, Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol. 111, Iss. 8, pp.1238 - 1269
• Bustinza-Sánchez, O.; Arias Aranda, D.; Molina Fernández, L.M. (2010): “Organizational learning and performance. relationship between the dynamic and the operational capabilities of the firm”, African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 4, No. 18, pp. 4067-4078
• Arias, Aranda, D.; Haro-Domínguez, M.C.; Romerosa-Martínez, M.M.; Navarro Paule, A.J. (2010): “Un enfoque innovador del proceso Enseñanza-Aprendizaje en la Dirección de Empresas: El uso de simuladores en el ámbito universitario”, Revista de Educación, nº 353, pp. 333-354
• Arias-Aranda, D.; Navarro-Jiménez, M.I.; Zurita-López, J.M (2010): “A Fuzzy Expert System for Business Management”, Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 37, No. 12, pp. 7570-7580
• Arias-Aranda, D.; Romerosa Martínez, M.M. (2010): Innovation on Functional Foods Industry in a peripheral region of the European Union: Andalusia (Spain), Food Policy, Vol. 35. No. 3, pp. 240-246
• Arias-Aranda, D.; Bustinza Sánchez, O.; Barrales Molina, V. (2010): “Operations Flexibility and Outsourcing Benefits: An Empirical Study in Service Firms”, The Service Industries Journal, Vol. 31, No.11, pp. 1-22
• Bustinza Sánchez, O.; Arias-Aranda, D.; Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, L. (2010): “Outsourcing, Competitive Capabilities and Performance in Service Firms. An Empirical Study”, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 126, Iss. 2, pp. 276-288
• Arias-Aranda, D.; Bustinza-Sánchez, O. (2009): Entrepreneurial Attitude and Conflict Management through Business Simulations, Industrial Management and Data System, Vol. 109, No. 8 , pp. 1101-1117
• Minguela-Rata, B.; Arias-Aranda, D. (2008): “New Product Performance through Multifunctional Teamwork: An Analysis of the Development Process towards Quality Excellence”, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol. 20, No.4, pp. 381-392
• Tajtakova, M.; Arias-Aranda, D. (2008): “Targeting University Students in Audience Development Strategies for Opera and Ballet”, The Service Industries Journal, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp.179-191
• Haro-Domínguez, M. C., Arias-Aranda, D.; Llorens-Montes, J.; Ruiz-Moreno, A. (2007): “The impact of absorptive capacity on technological acquisitions for engineering consulting companies”, Technovation, Vol. 27, Iss.8, pp. 417-425
• Arias-Aranda, D. (2007): “Simulating Reality for Teaching Strategic Management”, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, Vol. 44, Iss. 3, pp. 273-286
• Arias-Aranda, D.; Verdú Jover, A. (2006): “Editorial on the Special Issue on: “Environment and Flexibility in Operations and Strategic Management”, International Journal of Business Environment, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 1-3
• Abad-Grau, M.M.; Arias-Aranda, D. (2006): “Application of Bayesian classifiers to model the relationship between Operations Strategy and Flexibility in Engineering Consulting Firms”, Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol. 106, Issue 4, pp. 460-484
• Arias-Aranda, D.; Alvarez-Gil, M.J. (2004): “Long and short-term effects of customisation on the service operations strategy”, International Journal of Services Technology and Management. Vol.5, No. 3, pp. 233-246
• Arias-Aranda, D. (2003): “Service operations strategy, flexibility and performance in engineering consulting firms”, International Journal of Operations & Production Management; Volume: 23 Issue: 11, pp. 1401-1421
• Arias- Aranda, D (2002): “Relationship between operations strategy and size in engineering consulting firms”, International Journal of Service Industry Management; Volume: 13 Issue: 3, pp. 263-285
• Arias-Aranda D., Molina-Fernandez L.M. (2002): “Determinants of innovation through a knowledge-based theory lens”, Industrial Management + Data Systems. Vol. 102, No. 5/6; pp. 289-297
• Arias-Aranda, D.; Minguela-Rata B.; Rodríguez-Duarte, A. (2001): “Innovation and Firm Size: An Empirical Study for Spanish Engineering Consulting Companies”, European Journal of Innovation Management (2001), Vol.4; No.3, pp. 133-141
• Nieto Antolín, M.; Arias Aranda, D.; Minguela Rata, B.; Rodríguez Duarte, A. (1999): “The Evolution of Operations Management Contents: An Analysis of the Most Relevant Textbooks”, Industrial Management and Data Systems, No. 7 and 8, Vol. 99, pp. 345-353
• Arias Aranda, D.; Molina Fernández, L.M. (2005): “Las estrategias de Enfoque: Una explicación basada en la teoría del conocimiento”, Alta Dirección, 241/242
• Arias Aranda, D.; Minguela Rata, B.; Rodríguez Duarte, A. (2002): “Un marco de análisis para las para la innovación tecnológica en la empresa”, Organización y Dirección, nº 27, pp. 25-36
• Arias Aranda, D. (2001):“La estrategia de operaciones en las empresas de servicio: un marco teórico”, Organización y Dirección, nº25, pp. 134-148
• Arias Aranda, D.; Minguela Rata, B.; Rodríguez Duarte, A. (2001): “El servicio orientado al el cliente y las medidas de rendimiento: un marco conceptual”, Cuadernos de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales nº 40, Universidad de Málaga, pp. 123-137
• Arias Aranda, D. (2001): “Relationship between Strategy and Size in Spanish Engineering Consulting Firms”, Working paper - Universidad de Granada, 00-01
• Arias Aranda, D.; Molina Fernández, L.M. (2001): “La Nueva Economía y la Sociedad granadina”, en “El futuro económico y empresarial de Granada”, número monográfico de El Ideal, junio 2001, pp. 91-92
• Minguela Rata, B.; Rodríguez Duarte, A.; Arias-Aranda, D. (2000): “Desarrollo de nuevos productos: consideraciones sobre la integración funcional”, Cuadernos de Estudios Empresariales, nº 10, pp. 165-184
• Arias Aranda, D. (1999): “Service Management: Operations, Strategy and Information Technology”, de Fitzsimmons,).A. y Fitzsimmons, M.)., Recensión en Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa, no.3, pp. 215-217
• Arias Aranda, D. (1999): “Aplicación de los métodos de simulación a la docencia en dirección y administración de empresas”, Cuadernos de Estudios Empresariales, nº 9, pp. 3-15
• Arias Aranda D. y VV.AA. (1999): “El Euro en las Empresas Españolas: La empresa española prevé mayores ventajas que inconvenientes en la introducción de la moneda única”, Informe de Europa Press, Análisis Económicos
• Arias Aranda D., y VV.AA. (1999): “Las ‘Stock Options’ en las Empresas Españolas: Los expertos apoyan las stock options como remuneración de directivos pero advierten que se basan en información privilegiada”, Informe de Europa Press, Análisis Económicos
• Arias Aranda, D.; Minguela Rata, B.; Rodriguez Duarte, A. (1999): “La Dirección Estratégica de la Tecnología y el Diseño y Desarrollo de Productos: Una reflexión a partir del caso Sinclair Research Ltd. ”, Revista de Investigación e Información Tecnológica Madri+d, 3er trimestre
• Nieto Antolín, M.; Arias Aranda, D.; Minguela Rata, B.; Rodríguez Duarte, A. (1998): “Evolución de los contenidos de la Dirección de Operaciones: Un Análisis a partir de los manuales más relevantes”, Investigaciones Europeas de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, Vol. 4, Nº 1, pp.81-100
• Álvarez Gil, M.J.; Arias Aranda, D. (1998): “An Essay on the Dimensions and Components in Service Operations Management”, Working Paper 98-32, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
• Arias-Aranda, D.; Romerosa-Martínez. M.M. (2010): Desarrollo Empresarial en el Parque tecnológico de Ciencias de la Salud de Granada: Necesidades, Prioridades y Objetivos, Universidad de Granada
• Arias Aranda, D; Navarro, M.; Castro, J.L.; Zurita, J.M. (2009): “A CBR System for Knowing the Relationship between Flexibility and Operations Strategy” in Foundations of Intelligent Systems, Vol. 5722/09, pp. 463-472, Springer, Berlin, Germany
• Arias Aranda, D. (2009): “Innovation for low income targets” in The Future of Innovation, pp. 414-416, Gower Publishing, U.K.
• Arias Aranda, D. (2001): “La estrategia de operaciones en las empresas consultoras de ingeniería”, Editorial Método, Granada
• Romerosa Martínez, M,M; Navarro Paule, A.J.; Haro Domínguez, M.C.; Arias Aranda, D. (2009): “Un enfoque innovador del proceso enseñanza aprendizaje en la dirección de empresas: el uso de simuladores en el ámbito universitario”, XIX Congreso Nacional ACEDE Toledo, Septiembre 2009
• Haro Domínguez, M.C.; Arias Aranda, D.; Llorens Montes, J.; Ruiz Moreno, A. (2009): “Determinants and performance Impact of service firms technological strategy”, International Conference of the Society for Global Business & Economic Development, Bratislava (Slovakia), May, 2009
• Arias Aranda, D.; Bustinza Sánchez, O. (2009): “Operations Flexibility and outsourcing benefits”, 20th Annual International Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, Orlando (EE.UU.), May 2009
• Arias Aranda, D.; Romerosa Martínez, M.M.; Navarro Paule, A.J.(2009): “Innovation on Functional Foods Industry in a peripheral region of the European Union: Andalusia (Spain)”, XIX Jornadas Hispano Lusas de gestión Científica, Baeza- Jaén (España), February, 2009
• Bustinza Sánchez, O.; Arias Aranda, D. (2009): “Simuladores de Empresas y fomento del espíritu emprendedor”, XIX Jornadas Hispano Lusas de gestión Científica, Baeza- Jaén (España), February, 2009
• Arias Aranda, D. (2008): “Los avances en simulación empresarial y su influencia en el aprendizaje de la dirección estratégica”, I Congreso de Formación Docente Universitaria, Granada (Spain), September, 2008
• Bustinza Sánchez, O.; Arias Aranda, D.; Molina Fernández, L.M.; Barrales Molina V. (2008): “Cómo reducir la vulnerabilidad estratégica y la pérdida de control derivadas de la externalización de actividades”, XIX Congreso Nacional ACEDE León, Septiembre 2008
• Arias-Aranda, D.; Barrales-Molina, V.; Bustinza-Sánchez, O.; Molina-Fernández, L.M.(2008): “Benefits derived from Outsourcing Decisions and its relationships with collaborative Know-How and Entrepreneurship”, Nineteenth Anual POMS Conference, La Jolla, San Diego, U.S.A., May 9th-12th, 2008
• Abad-Grau, M.; Tajtakova, M.; Arias-Aranda, D.; Llorens-Montes, J. (2007); “Machine Learning for Market Segmentation of Opera and Ballet Audience”, 10th International Conference on Global Business and Economic Development, Kyoto, Japan, 8-11 August, Montclair University
• Llorens-Montes, J.; Arias-Aranda, D.; Haro-Domínguez, C.; Molina-Fernández, L.M. (2007): “The impact and dissemination of teaching innovation policies: the case of the University of Granada”, 6th International Conference on University, Industry and Governement Linkages, Triple Helix VI, Singapore, 16-18 May, 2007. ISBN: 978-81-904262-9-9
• Arias Aranda, D.; Haro Domínguez, M.C.; Navarro Paule, A.J.; Romerosa Martínez, M.M. (2007): “Aplicaciones de la simulación de diseño al fomento de la creación de nuevas empresas: Proyecto ENTERPRISE”, IV Foro sobre evaluación de la calidad de la Educación Superior y de la Investigación, Granada (Spain), February 2007
• Arias Aranda, D.; Haro Domínguez, M.C.; Navarro Paule, A.J.; Romerosa Martínez, M.M. (2007): “Dirección de Empresas en entornos de simulación: Potenciando el espíritu emprendedor: Proyecto ASIMOV”, IV Foro sobre evaluación de la calidad de la Educación Superior y de la Investigación, Granada (Spain), February 2007
• Arias Aranda, D.; Haro Domínguez, M. C.; García Morales, V.; Llorens Montes, J, Abad Grau, M.M. (2006): “Simulating Reality for Teaching Strategic Management”, The Institute for Business and Finance Research, The 2006 Global Conference on Business and Finance Conference, May 31- June 3, 2006 San Jose, Costa Rica
• Haro Domínguez, M. C.; Arias Aranda, D. Llorens Montes, J, Ruiz Moreno, A. (2005): “INNOVATING CAPACITIES OF SERVICE FIRMS: ABSORPTION CAPACITY AS A KEY FACTOR” 2005 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, Beijing (China), August 2005
• Mercedes Romerosa Martínez, F. Javier Llorens Montes, Víctor García Morales, Antonia Ruiz Moreno, Daniel Arias Aranda (2005): “Determinants of proactive innovative behaviour in the development of new services: An Empirical Research”, 16th Annual Conference of the POMS, Chicago, USA, May 2005
• Arias Aranda, D.; Tamayo Torres, I. (2004): “Quality management Implementation across different scenarios of competitive structure: An empirical investigation”, Second World Conference and Fifteenth Annual POMS Conference, Cancún, México, May 2004
• Arias Aranda, D.; Tamayo Torres, I. (2004): “Operations Strategy and Flexibility in Engineering Consulting Firms”, Second World Conference and Fifteenth Annual POMS Conference, Cancún, México, May 2004
• Molina Fernández, Luis Miguel; Lloréns Montes, Francisco Javier; Arias Aranda, Daniel; Fuentes Fuentes, María del Mar (2004): “TQM effects on international and external knowledge transfers”, 11th Annual International EUROMA Conference, Fontainebleau (France)
• Arias Aranda, D.; Minguela Rata, B.; Rodríguez Duarte, A. (2002): “Approach for Development Process Activities Execution and Autonomous Multifunctional Teamwork as Determinants of New Product Performance”, POMS 2002 Conference, San Francisco, USA
• Arias Aranda, D.; Minguela Rata B.; Rodríguez Duarte, D. (2001): “Multifunctional Teamwork and Development Process as determinants of new product performance” 8th Product Development International Congress, The Netherlands – 2001, Enschede, June 11-12
• Arias Aranda, D.; Minguela Rata B.; Rodríguez Duarte A. (2000): “Innovation and Firm Size in Spanish Consulting Engineering Organisations”, POMS Conference 2000, August 2000, Sevilla (Spain)
• Arias Aranda, D.; Minguela Rata B.; Rodríguez Duarte A. (2000): “Product Development: Considerations about Cross Functional Integration”, 9th International Conference on Management of Technology: IAMOT 2000,Miami, Florida, EE.UU.
• Álvarez Gil, M.J.; Arias Aranda, D. (1998): “Do Customers Wish what They Want? Do They Need What They Wish?: The Strategic Dilemma of Service Companies”, POMS-Cape Town Meeting on Competitiveness and Wealth Creation: The Role of POMS, South Africa
• Álvarez Gil, M.J.; Arias Aranda, D. (1998): “An Essay on The Dimensions and Components of Customisation in Service Operations Management”, POMS-98-Santa Fe, New Mexico Annual Meeting on The History of Thought in Operations Management, U.S.A.
• Álvarez Gil, M.J.; Arias Aranda, D. (1998): “The Dimensions and Components of Customisation in Operations Management: a Taxonomy of Service Industries”, Dublin 5th Intemational EurOMA Conference: Operations Management: Future Issues and Competitive Responses, Dublin - Ireland
• Romerosa-Martínez, M.M.; Arias-Aranda, D.; Navarro Paule, A.; Haro Domínguez, M.C. (2008): “LOS AVANCES EN SIMULACIÓN EMPRESARIAL Y SU INFLUENCIA EN EL APRENDIZAJE DE LA DIRECCIÓN ESTRATÉGICA”, 1er Congreso de Formación Docente Universitaria, Granada, Septiembre 2008
• Bustinza Sánchez, O.; Arias-Aranda, D.; Molina-Fernández, L.M.; Barrales-Molina, V. (2008): •”Cómo reducir la vulnerabilidad estratégica y la pérdida de control derivadas de la externalización de actividades”, XVIII Congreso Nacional de ACEDE, León, Septiembre 2008
• Arias Aranda, D.; Haro Domínguez, M. C.; Navarro Paule, A.; Romerosa Martínez, M.; Ortega Egea, T. (2007): “Dirección de Empresas en entornos de simulación: Potenciando el espíritu emprendedor: Proyecto ASIMOV”, IV Foro sobre evaluación de la calidad de la Educación Superior y de la Investigación, Granada octubre 2007
• Arias Aranda, D.; Haro Domínguez, M. C.; Navarro Paule, A.; Romerosa Martínez, M.; Ortega Egea, T. (2007): “Aplicaciones de la simulación de diseño al fomento de la creación de nuevas empresas: Proyecto ENTERPRISE”, IV Foro sobre evaluación de la calidad de la Educación Superior y de la Investigación, Granada ,octubre 2007
• Haro Domínguez, M. C.; Arias Aranda, D. Navarro Paule, A.; Romerosa Martínez, M.. (2005): “SIMULATION AS A TEACHING TOOL FOR OPERATIONS AND STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT” Congreso nacional de ACEDE, Universidad de la Laguna (Tenerife)
• Haro Domínguez, M. C.; Arias Aranda, D. Llorens Montes, J, Ruiz Moreno, A. (2005): “The impact of absorption capacity on technological acquisitions for engineering consulting companies”, RESER XVth International conference, Grenada 22nd, 23rd,24th of september 2005 ,Granada /Spain)
• Arias Aranda, D. (2001): “Implicaciones de la relación entre la estrategia de operaciones y la flexibilidad del sistema en los servicios de Consultoría en Ingeniería”, ACEDE 2001 (Zaragoza) – 16-18 septiembre de 2001
• Arias Aranda, D. ; Molina Fernández, L.M. (2001): “Determinantes de la Innovación a través de la Gestión del Conocimiento: Un análisis empírico en el sector de las consultoras de ingeniería”, ACEDE 2001 (Zaragoza) – 16-18 septiembre de 2001
• Molina Fernández, L.M.; Arias Aranda, D. (2001): “Los individuos y las comunidades en la creación y mantenimiento del conocimiento en las organizaciones: Un modelo teórico”, XI Jornadas Hispanolusas de Gestión Científica, Cáceres, 2001
• Arias Aranda, D.; Minguela Rata B.; Rodríguez Duarte A. (2001): “Un análisis de las relaciones entre el éxito de los nuevos productos, los equipos multifuncionales autónomos y el proceso de desarrollo”, XI Congreso AECA 2001 (Madrid), septiembre 2001
• Arias Aranda, D.; Minguela Rata, B.; Rodríguez Duarte, A. (2000): “Innovación y tamaño de la empresa en las Consultoras de Ingeniería” ACEDE 2000 (Oviedo), 3 a 6 de septiembre de 2000.
• Arias Aranda, D.; Minguela Rata, B.; Rodríguez Duarte, A. (1999): “Desarrollo de nuevos productos: Consideraciones sobre la integración funcional”, ACEDE 1999 (Burgos), september 1999
• Arias Aranda, D.; Minguela Rata, B.; Rodríguez Duarte, A. (1998): “Evolución de la Dirección de Operaciones a través del análisis de los contenidos de los manuales más relevantes”, ACEDE 1998 (Las Palmas), septiembre 1998
Influencia de la estrategia del directivo en las adquisiciones tecnológicas: un estudio empírico en las empresas de consultoría
Candidate: M. Carmen Haro Domínguez (Cum Laude) University: Granada Facultad / Escuela: Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales (Universidad de Granada) Date: 15/11/2006
Implicaciones del Outsourcing estratégico en la determinación del resultado empresarial: Gestión del Conocimiento y Flexibilidad como Variable moderadoras
Candidate: Oscar Bustinza Sánchez (Cum Laude and European Doctorate) University: Granada Facultad / Escuela: Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales (Universidad de Granada) Date: 17/04/2008
Logística inversa, gestión del conocimiento y flexibilidad de operaciones: Un estudio empírico
Candidate: Antonio Mihi Ramírez (Cum Laude and European Doctorate) University: Granada Facultad / Escuela: Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales (Universidad de Granada) Date: 19/02/2010
Título: Flexibilidad estratégica en la industria del cemento: Una aproximación a través de simulaciones
Candidate: Alfonso Vélez Martínez University: Granada Facultad / Escuela: Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales (Universidad de Granada) Date: 19/04/2010
Currently there are 5 more doctoral dissertations in progress
Gender, race and physical attributes discrimination: applications to the labour market- Research project financed by the Andalusia government to young talented researchers Strategic change and flexibility in service firms: an approach based on environmental and quality management. Excellence research project financed by the Andalusia government
New information technologies and knowledge management in the european firms context: an empirical analysis. University of Granada research project
Financial exclusion, social exclusion and poverty: a multidisciplinary study- excelence research project financed by the Andalusia government Modelization of the strategic fit dynamic in hypercompetitive environments: a research based on the quality management- Spanish Ministry of Education
Application of simulator to the business management teaching - University of Granada Application of design simulation tools to entrepreneurship - University of Granada Entrepreneurship through simulation applications - Andalusian Local Government
Director of the Center for Venturing Planning and Development of the Technological Park for Health Sciences - University of Granada - 2008-currently
Vice-dean of Study plans and Quality at the Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Granada (2006-currently)
Secretary of the Business Management Department (University of Granada) 2004-2006
Member of the National Evaluation and Prospective Agency
Member of the evaluation committee of different University Study Plans
Guest editor. International Journal of Business Environment. Ed Inderscience
Reviewer of International Journal of Production and Operations Management, Omega,
Journal of Operations Management, International Journal of Service Industry Management, Industrial Management and Data Systems, International Journal of Business Environments, Universia Business Review, European Journal of Innovation Management, Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de Empresas entre otras [Reviewer for different journals and Conferences]
English (Proficiency in English –1991) University of Cambridge, U.K.. [British Chamber of Commerce diploma on Business Communication in English]. Toefl grade 637 (1991). Graduated from high school in Union, MS (USA) in 1990
French. Certificat du niveau du course de Français pour non-francophones. Université de Montreal, Canadá (1992)
German. Zertifikat Deutsch als Fremdsprache (1994). Deutsch Kulturinstitut
Prize for teaching innovation (University of Granada)
Best session award at the The Institute for Business and Finance Research, The 2006 Global Conference on Business and Finance Conference, May 31- June 3, 2006 San Jose, Costa Rica
Scholarship award for the summer meeting at the Harvard University, USA
Scholarship of the Spanish Ministry of Education for university education and research] Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (1993 -1994)
University scholarship for the study of foreign languages]
East Central Community College Act Scholarship Award (1990), Decatur, Mississippi, EE. UU .
Academic Competition Scholarship (1990), Mississippi College.
Certificate on Pedagogical Aptitude] (1996), Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
International Manager at the MAPFRE Insurance Company
High school teacher in Economics and Business Administration]
Biography selected for inclusion at the Marquis Who's who in Science and Engineering 2006 and 2007 Ed.
Prize for the Best Script for short films at the Certamen Espacio Libre - 2006 (Diputación de Granada) Contest for “Interfono Baby Control”
Paddle Tennis, Biking, Sailing
Daniel Arias-Aranda is Associate Professor of Operations Management at the University of Granada (Spain). He is Director of the Developing and Planning Center of the University of Granada at the Health Science Technological Park (HSTP) since 2008. He coordinates the Management section of the excellence Master and PhD. “Management and Empirical Economics”. He has also served as Deputy Dean of Quality and Study Plans at the School of Economics and Business (2006-2008) as well as Secretary of the Management Department (2004-2006).
His main areas of research are operations and business strategy, service operations management, innovation management and entrepreneurship. The results of his research have been published in the main Operations Management related journals such as International Journal of Operations and Production Management, International Journal of Service Industry Management, Industrial Management and Data System, The Service Industries Journal, Technovation, International Journal of Quality and Reliability among others. In addition, he has collaborated in the publications of books devoted to new grounds breaking such as The Future of Innovation or Foundations of Intelligent Systems.
Regarding teaching and mentoring, his main lines of interest are Business simulation and conflict management. Publications in journal such as Innovations in Education and Teaching International or Revista de Educación from the Spanish Ministry of Education have been possible after more than 10 years of education experience in these areas. Supervision of PhD. Students has also been of special interest with 4 doctoral thesis supervised all of the obtaining the maximum grades and distinctions. The results of these thesis have been published in top journals. His international background has allowed him to collaborate with universities and institutions worldwide in specific research and consulting projects related to Service Management.
His main activities of interest outside academics are playing paddle tennis, sailing as Craft Master and enjoying Performance Arts. He has also organized short film contests with the collaboration of film industry professionals.
Operations Management (Master in Economics UGRME)
Economía y Organización Industrial (Chemical Engineering)
Economía y Organización de Empresas (Chemical Engineering)
Operations and Production Management / Service Management / Innovation Management / Business Simulations / Operations Strategy / Operations Flexibility