Inaugural Conference course 2021/22: Implicit biases: philosophy, neuroscience and social psychology

Tue, 10/26/2021 - 11:15
Puerta de la Facultad de Ciencias con estudiantes entrando y saliendo

Thursday 30 September, 18.00.

  • In person: Aula Magna, Faculty of Psychology, University of Granada.
  • Online: Conference link (login: 592438).

Taught by: Dr. Josefa Toribio, ICREA Research Professor at the University of Barcelona (UB).

Abstract: “This talk has a double aim. First, I defend the thesis that implicit biases responsible for discriminatory behaviour are a different kind of mental state from beliefs: they are associations. In particular, I question the truth of the following conditional: if the discriminatory behaviour generated by implicit biases can be modulated by logical and evidential considerations, then implicit biases are beliefs. Second, I propose to understand the discriminatory behaviours generated by implicit biases as a kind of habit: a passively acquired, socially relevant habit; a harmful, but deeply ingrained habit. I conclude by showing how the two theses are mutually reinforcing.”