Procedure for tutor assignment for the carrying out of Master’s Thesis
Each student enrolled in the Official Master’s Degree in Research and Progress in Microbiology will have a Tutor, who will be the teacher in charge of directing his Master’s Thesis (TFM). Together, they will elaborate the schedule of the student activities, including the hours of presence in the laboratory dedicated to the TFM perform.
At the beginning of each academic year, preferably in October, the Coordinator will hold a meeting with the enrolled students. It will offer basic information about the different lines of research and explain the procedure to be followed in order to be admitted in any of them.
Students will contact teachers/tutors of the lines of research of the Master’s Degree, or any other teacher/tutor of an area of knowledge related to Microbiology that is interesting to the student.
Teachers/tutors will meet with students who request it, offer them adequate information on their line of research and available research projects and places offered. They may also request the student’s academic information, know their perspectives, and the reason for which have been interested in their line of research.
Students and teachers/tutors, based on common interests, will come to an agreement of tutoring, which shall be communicated to the Coordinator of the Master’s Degree.
A maximum of 2 months period will be established so that students are admitted to a specific line of research and have assigned a tutor.
If after this time a student was not admitted to any line of research, the Academic Committee of the Master, after listening to the interests of the student and analysing the lines of research with available places, it will assign the student to a specific line of research.
Types of Master’s Thesis
The Master’s Thesis shall adapt to any of the following types:
Research, analysis, data of field, laboratory, etc.
Research work derived from the experience developed by the student during the curricular internship
Occasionally, and for justified reasons:
Design of a research project
In-depth study of a status of the issue and critical review of a specific topic.
Master’s Thesis defense
Two dates per academic year are set for the Master’s Thesis defence, one in July and another extraordinary in September.
The defence of the Master’s Thesis will be in front of a Committee and will follow these guidelines:
A maximum of 15 minutes of oral presentation of the thesis
A maximum of 5 minutes of discussion with the Committee
The criteria for the final evaluation of the Master’s Thesis are:
The evaluation of the Tutor will represent a 40% of the final grade of the student
The Committee’s evaluation will represent 60% of the final grade of the student
Groups and lines of research offered
The lines of research offered to perform the Master’s Thesis have been grouped in function of different scientific orientations (nutritional, environmental, basic or clinical/diagnostic), to facilitate its consultation on contents, teachers/tutors and places offered in each of them.