
Welcome to the official web site of the Master's Programme in English Literature and Linguistics

  • Vídeo Introducing the Máster's Programme (external link to Facebook).

Objectives and competencies

  • Provide students with a series of tools for working with the English language that will be of great use in the academic and professional fields
  • Establish connections between knowledge, competencies and linguistic skills and the development of professional competencies
  • Use new information and communication technologies for professional and research purposes
  • Promote the development of a global and analytical vision of texts as cultural practices, enabling students to understand and appreciate the variety of multicultural and linguistic dimensions of a lingua franca such as English in its different discursive spheres
  • Enhance bilingual competencies in Andalusia through the analysis of the basic elements that characterise the teaching and learning process of a foreign language in the specific context of bilingual education
  • Contribute to the improvement of the training of English teachers at different educational levels
  • Deepen and broaden the level of communicative competency in English in order to apply it to tasks related to research, teaching at all levels and in all aspects, as well as in any other professional field that requires an advanced and specialised use of English.
  • Develop the ability for critical reflection in research within the different fields of English literature and linguistics and their applications in the professional field
  • Master the epistemology of the main currents in the study of English language, literatures in English, applied linguistics and the history and culture of English-speaking countries
  • Deepen and broaden the techniques of critical and textual analysis, as well as the main concepts of literature and culture in the English language
  • Introduce students to important socio-historical and socio-cultural aspects of literature written in English
  • Progress in the in-depth study of central themes in English-language literature and culture, and their impact on Western society their underlying ideology
  • Provide students with advanced methodologies for the study and analysis of the linguistic structure of English, both from a synchronic and diachronic point of view
  • Foster collaboration with other researchers and professionals in the academic field
  • Promote cultural, personal, ethical and social training suitable for university teaching with scientific accuracy
  • Promote the concepts of equality and diversity both in the design of degrees, modules and subjects, and in the development of teaching and research practice

Why study the MA in English Literature & Linguistics at Granada University?

  • REASON1: A professional MA that responds to the changing demands of the labour market.

    • There is an increasing domestic and international demand for educators at all levels in the different areas of English-related studies. For instance, in terms of both domestic and international demand, our MA emphasizes the training of educators in bilingual education, a job market that is currently on the rise. Our MA program is committed to the education and training of versatile professionals who are knowledgeable in the different skills required for a career not just in the fields of education, but also in other profiles that call for an advanced level in the use of English and its cultural background for specific purposes.

  • REASON 2: An MA programme with a module of bilingual education hands-on practice.

    • Our MA program emphasizes and encourages autonomous learning and other independent learning strategies that can empower our students to adapt to the changing demands of the labor market. The professional side of our MA program is reinforced by the module in bilingual education teaching practice. Students who take this modules end up with a significant amount of certified professional practice.

  • REASON 3: An MA programme that trains researchers and academics for a future career in higher education.

    • For those students who are planning a career in research and higher education, our MA program offers a series of seminars and courses that provide an excellent introduction to this field. The elaboration of an MA thesis gives students the opportunity to test and develop the research potential they have acquired with the seminars, and it may also lead to the elaboration of a PhD dissertation in our doctoral program.

Classes are held at the Aulario de la Escuela Internacional de Posgrado, located at Avenida de Madrid, 28.