The Master’s Degree in Economics (MEIM) is a high quality postgraduate programme taught in English during 1 academic year (60 ECTS credits). Students may choose up to 13 subjects from among 24 optional courses, which allow students to design their own itineraries among different fields: Management, Macroeconomics, Applied Economics, Microeconomics, or Experimental Economics.
Our staff has a strong research commitment, publishing in high-quality journals; they are also involved in national and international Research Projects.
The international dimension of MEIM is a distinctive point of the programme. Courses and seminars from researchers from leading institutions and managers are encouraged. Student mobility is also promoted in order to create a richer environment.
MEIM offers a Double Master’s Degree in two years. Students will spend the first year at UGR and the second year at SRH Hochschule Berlin (Germany) or at IBS (Paris or Borddeaux in France).
MEIM also offers the a bilingual Double Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering and Economics in two years in collaboration with Máster en Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos (UGR) [Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering]. This degree is fully compatible with the Double degree with SRH or IBS (in three years).