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2. When will the next call for applications be open?

There are two modalities of participation in GEMMA: with the Erasmus Mundus scholarship or as a self-financed student.

The call for applications for the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship (Partner country studients) for the next edition of GEMMA (17th edition, 2023-2025) will open on December 1st, 2022 and it will remain available until January, 13th, 2023.

There will be a second call for self-funded students that will open on March 15th, 2023 and it will be open until April 14th, 2023.

For the 17th edition of the GEMMA programme, the Central European University- Private University (Vienna, Austria) will be available as both Home University (first year) and Mobility University (second year). All the teaching will be in Vienna, Austria the CEU's campus in Vienna, Austria , not in Budapest, Hungary.

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