The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Network (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019-859957) “Intelligent Prognostics and Health Management in Composite Structures” (ENHAnCE) invites applications for 10 early-stage research (ESR) positions available with a starting date in the period June 1st –Sept 1st 2020 for a period of three years. ENHAnCE will be based on 9 partner beneficiaries and 6 partner organisations involving universities, research organisations, government agencies and industries, and will perform cutting edge research and training in the field of intelligent prognostics of composite structures satisfying all Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training. The ENHAnCE Consortium, led by Dr. Manuel Chiachío Ruano (University of Granada, Spain) as coordinator, is based on an international, inter-sectorial network based on institutions from 9 countries: Spain, United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland and Brazil. More information about the network can be found at ENHAnCE
The ENHAnCE project provides research and training opportunities for early-stage researchers in the fields of Prognostics and Health Management (PHM), structural health monitoring (SHM), Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE), Maintenance Modelling, Damage Modelling, Manufacturing Engineering and Smart Structures. Research within the network encompasses a number of disciplines like structural engineering, mathematics & physics, materials & manufacturing engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, aeronautical engineering, mechanical engineering, and computer science.
The aim of the research programme is to provide the ESRs with the practical skills and knowledge so that they can perform top-level research, both in the academic and non-academic sectors. In addition, inter-sectorial collaboration is promoted through short-term secondments between academic and non-academic participants. All ESRs will also have the opportunity to enroll for a PhD degree.