Considering the increasing use of construction materials in the past century, the necessity of using more sustainable, lower cost, and high-performance binders have been increasing, to meet the mechanical and durability properties of construction materials as well as the environmental requirements of the construction industry. Geopolymers are proposed as innovative, eco-friendly construction materials. Gepolymer resin was first described in the 1970s as inorganic aluminosilicate polymers that form solid ceramic-like materials at near ambient temperatures. Geopolymers are produced using a two-part mix, consisting of aluminosilicate materials and alkaline solutions (as activators). The raw materials for the aluminosilicate can be a by-product such as natural volcanic tuff/clay or industrial by-product such as slag and coal fly ash. Geopolymeric- based binder offers distinct advantages over ordinary Portland cement-based binder in terms of performance and environmental impact.
CONFERENCIANTES: Dr. Faris Matalkah Ph.D. in Civil Engineering. Yarmouk University. Jordania
FECHA Y HORA: Viernes 13 de Mayo 2022. 10:30 h.
LUGAR: Aula 105. Planta 1. ETS Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos.
Conferencia Geopolymers: Green Concrete for Sustainable Infrastructures (pdf)