Postgraduate and Official Master in European Constitutional Law


The Postgraduate programme and Official Master in European Constitutional Law is simultaneously a Doctorate Course and an Official Master of the Faculty of Law at the University of Granada. As a Doctoral Programme, it allows students to carry out their Doctoral studies in one academic course and to obtain the sufficient research experience in order to elaborate the Doctoral Thesis and to obtain a doctorate degree.

The Postgraduate programme and Official Master have obtained the Mention of Quality from the Ministry of Education and Sciences. A Mention of Quality is a nationally recognized honour granted to programmes that meet specific conditions of quality.

The Postgraduate programme and Official Master are taught within the framework of the Jean Monnet Chair of European Constitutional Law and the “ad personam” Jean Monnet Chair of European Constitutional Law and Globalisation, both directed by Professor Francisco Balaguer Callejón. The programme of study integrates not only topics related to European Constitutional Law, but also topics concerning the process of supranational integration in other geographic areas, such as the supranational projection of Constitutional Law in the context of globalisation.

The professors of the Official Master and Postgraduate programme include Jean Monnet Chairs on various issues and a great number of visiting professors from other universities in different countries, for example Spain, Germany, Italy, Portugal, France, Brazil, and the United States. In the current academic course, and within the framework of the Jean Monnet Chair “ad personam” of European Constitutional Law and Globalisation, the programme has successfully incorporated the participation of visiting professors from non-EU Member-States, like Brazil, the USA, and Mexico. It also includes new courses on the interrelationships between supranational integration and globalisation, from a constitutional perspective or on general subjects of similar topics within the courses previously offered.

The Official Master in European Constitutional Law is directed by Francisco Balaguer Callejón, Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Granada and Jean Monnet Chair and is coordinated by the Secretary of the Master, José María Porras Ramirez, Professor of Constitutional Law. In the previous editions, the Master and Doctoral Programmes were realized by students with very different geographic origins: Spain, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Portugal, Iceland, Montenegro, Romania, Japan, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, Peru and Morocco, among other countries.

The Official Master and Postgraduate programme can be realized in one year, after earning 60 ECTS credits, of which 40 correspond to classroom instruction and 20 to research, which requires the elaboration and preparation of a dissertation. Students of Law, Political Science and Sociology, Translation and Interpretation, Journalism and other similar disciplines can study the Master. All classes will take place between November and May during the school year (teaching stops at the Christmas holidays and Easter, as well as holidays established by the University of Granada). The training sessions are always held in the afternoon, from Monday to Thursday. Normally on Friday afternoon there are organized seminars given by visiting professors.

The research part of the course is based on a supervised research topic chosen in accordance with the tutor. The dissertation should be presented at the September session or in December in order to obtain the research capacity that allows for the carrying out of the Doctoral Thesis and obtaining the Official Master’s Degree from the University of Granada. Students from other countries will be permitted to make the presentation of the dissertation by videoconference.

The Application Process and Enrolment.

The enrolment process is divided into two parts:

a) The Application Process

Applications can be submitted and will be considered at three different times. The first application deadline is in February and is exclusively reserved for foreign exchange students. The second and third deadlines will be in July and in September.

Students must apply for the programme electronically, using the “telemátic” application found on the following website:

All documentation necessary for the application process can be found at:

Once the electronic application has been submitted, there will be an open period of time to submit any further documentation necessary. Applications will then be evaluated and a list of the accepted students will be published on-line.

b) The Enrolment Process

Once admitted into the programme, a student may reserve a seat or directly enrol in the course. All dates are dependent on the application date and acceptance into the programme.

All deadlines can be found at:

For further infomration, please visit our website at:

Please feel free to contact:

  • Secretario Adjunto del Máster
  • en Derecho Constitucional Europeo
  • Departamento de Derecho Constitucional
  • Facultad de Derecho
  • Plaza de la Universidad s/n
  • 18071 Granada


  • Másteres Oficiales y Doctorado
  • Real de Cartuja, 36-38.
  • 18071 Granada


The Timetable for the Application Process and Enrolment (ACADEMIC YEAR 2012/2013).

FIRST PHASE. (Only for foreign students)

  • Deadline for submission of applications: From 1 February to March 9
  • Process evaluation of applications: Until 15 March
  • Publication of the first admission list: 22 March
  • Petition for Reconsideration: From 23 to 26 March
  • First deadline for payment on account or to reserve a place: From 23 to March 30
  • Publication of the second admission list: 23 April
  • Petition for Reconsideration: From 24 to 25 April
  • Second deadline for payment or to reserve a place: From 24 to 30 April
  • Publication of the third admission list: 21 May
  • Petition for Reconsideration: From 22 to 23 May
  • Third and final payment on account: From 23 to 30 May


  • Deadline for submission of applications: From 2 to 30 July 30
  • Process evaluation of applications: Until 9 September
  • Publication of the first admission list: 12 September
  • Petition for Reconsideration: From 12 to 13 September
  • First registration period or reserve a place: From 14 to 17 September
  • Publication of the second and final admission list: 24 September
  • Petition for Reconsideration: From 25 to 26 September
  • Second and final term of registration: From 26 to 28 September


  • Deadline for submission of applications: From 28 September to 2 October
  • Process evaluation of applications: Until 11 October
  • Publication of the first list of award: 17 October
  • Petition for reconsideration: From 18 to 19 October
  • Deadline for registration or reservation fee: From 18 to 19 October
  • Publication of the second and final admission: 24 October
  • Petition for reconsideration: From 25 to 26 October
  • Second and final term of registration: From 25 to 26 October


  • For each adjudication of each phase, if appropriate, it will be published the lists of the results concerning the previous phase to fill vacancies that, having been assigned, have not been registered.
  • These lists have the same deadline as the respective adjudication with whom it coincides.
  • Additionally there will be a final adjudication of the three phases on 30 October with a registration deadline from 31 October to 2 November.

In the calculation of days in order to make claims, Saturday and Sunday are not considered working days.