Bibliografía específica recomendada
Coburn, A. & R. Spence (1992, 2002). Earthquake Protection. John Wiley & sons, Ltd.
EERI (1986).- Reducing earthquake hazards: Lessons learned from earthquakes. Pub. Nº 86-02 Earthquake Engineering Research Institute.
Elnashai A. S. & S. Antoniou (2000). Implications of Recent Earthquakes on Seismic Risk World Scientific Publishing Company
EMS (1998). European Macroseismic Scale. Grünthal G. Editor. Luxemburg, 1998.
Eurocódigo EC 8. EN1998 – Part 1: Design of structures for earthquake resistance – General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings. Comité Européen de Normalisation; EN1998 – Part 2: Design of structures for earthquake resistance – Bridges; EN2004. Part 3: Design of structures for earthquake resistance -Assessment and retrofitting of buildings. Doc. CEN/TC250/SC8/N388B.
FEMA . HAZUS (1999). Earthquake Loss Estimation Methodology. HAZUS.
FEMA HAZUS (2003) Multi-hazard Loss Estimation Methodology. HAZUS.
Lee, W. H.K.; H. Kanamori, P. Jennings, C. Kisslinger (2003) .- International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology. Academic Press.
NCSE-02 (2002). Normativa de Construcción Sismorresistente Española de 2002. Real Decreto B.O.E. de agosto de 2002.
Solnes, J (1974).Engineering Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Noordhoff Intern Pub. Co
Tiedemann, H. (1992). Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions: a handbook on risk assesment. Swiss reinsurance Co. Zurich, Switzerland.
Vidal F. et al. (2011). Manual for natural risk prevention in the Euromediterranean region: Hypothesis and experiences by NARPIMED project. NARPIMED project. 198pp. European Commission. Dir. Gen. Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection.
Wald, D. J.; B. C. Worden, V. Quitoriano, And K. L. Pankow (2005). ShakeMap Manual: Technical Manual, User’s Guide, and Software Guide Techniques and Methods 12-A1 U.S. Department of the Interior . U.S. Geological Survey . 134 pp. Consultable en:
Bibliografía general
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Wikipedia. Earthquake casualty estimation.