MODULE 1 (15 ECTS, compulsory)
Objective of the module: To provide students of the Master’s IDEA with a common and interdisciplinary conceptual framework of physical, chemical, and biological processes of interest for the characterisation of the ecological and chemical status of water masses (lotic systems and networks, lentic systems, transitional and coastal waters, groundwaters). In addition, this module will provide tools for the treatment and spatial-temporal analysis of variables associated to water masses, which will allow determining water quality in a comprehensive and integrated manner.
MODULE 2 (15 ECTS, compulsory)
Objective of the module: To provide students of the Master’s IDEA with substantiated knowledge, ability to analyse and interpret quality indicators of water masses (lotic systems and networks, lentic systems, transitional and coastal waters, groundwaters), in agreement with the multiple current regulations, from a holistic perspective and in accordance with the assessment of associated ecosystem services.
Objectives of the module: To train students to:
Objectives of the module: to train students to:
Objective of the module: To train students to:
12 ECTS, scientific profile, optional
Objective of the module: To train students on techniques, methods, and relevant cutting-edge scientific tools for researching in the area of water quality.
Students with scientific profile will obtain 12 ECTS choosing among the following subjects of the module. These subjects are characteristic of this Master’s Programme, or offered in other Master’s programmes of the University of Granada. This structure is focused on the optimisation of the university teaching system and, in particular, the system of the University of Granada. The subjects from other Master’s programmes that have been considered eligible are identified by asterisks.
12 ECTS, professional profile, optional
Objective of the module: To train the students with professional profiles to apply theoretical knowledge and skills in experimental and computer techniques acquired during the compulsory modules and modules of areas targeted at solving problems faced by private and public European companies, concerning quality water and diagnosis (module 3), treatment (module 4), and prediction (module 5).
The allocation of companies to the students will take place according to the following criteria:
6 ECTS, compulsory
Objective of the module: To train the student for: (1) autonomous analysis, resolution, and presentation of complex problems related to diagnosis, treatment, and prediction of quality, ecological status, and chemical status of water masses; (2) making accurate judgments at scientific and professional level on the basis of the knowledge, techniques, tools, and scientific methods acquired, including reflections on social and ethical responsibility related to the application of the items mentioned and judgements.